The Golden Girl Series
The Golden Girl series is a series of paintings by British Artist, Sheryll K Fox. 'SKY' and 'FLY' were selected as part of the ING Discerning Eye exhibition at The Mall Galleries by art collector Mervyn Metcalf and performing artist Beverley Knight.
As a contemporary artist Sheryll captures the intense time of a young adult trying to find the calm in the chaos, studying for exams and training for a future of dreams, desires, frustrations and the unknown. The model is an amalgamation of the artist and her teenage daughter. The Golden girl being a reference both to the model's hair and to being seen perhaps from the outside as having it all and not seeing the struggle within.
Sheryll has made a short film about the ideas and creation of these paintings which you can see on her videos page of this site and on her You Tube channel.
Click on each image for further details about that painting. Contact Sheryll.