Golden Girl_LILY
acrylic and mixed media on wood panel
40 cm x 50 cm
Water Lilies and Lotus flowers are such beautiful symbolic images and have been featured in art through the centuries. Following my video painting class on water lilies I noticed that a figurative study I was working on used the same palette and I decided to combine the two images. The symbolism sparked the ideas for three paintings.
This is Golden Girl_LILY. Here she looks directly at the viewer and the flower symbolises hope of a new life, celebration and rebirth. In the first three paintings I consider the struggle of early teenage years. This image is the next stage where she moves on from school to College where she starts to explore herself and the adult that she is becoming.
These paintings are a reflection on my daughter’s and my own journey through teenage years. The model is my daughter, but her hair colour is mine. The sketches and photographic reference I worked from was created before and after my daughter’s Zoom dance lessons during the lockdown period.
It is available to purchase please contact me​ for framing and postage options.